I'm here! It's sunny and warm, shorts and t-shirt weather...I love it! Byron's such a lovely little town, got everything u need and a little more. Met all Minna's friends and we've just been chilling out at the beach basically. I'm really not used to having all this freedom to do whatever whenever, still got the busy Sydney vibe in my veins but I'm sure it's gonna get washed off pretty soon. It's also quite strange to not have anything of my own here except for my van, everything's unfamiliar and there's all these new people and places, felt a bit lost at first. But I'll get there...for sure! And this coming weekend there's a big festival here, Splendour in the grass, I was lucky and got myself a ticket yesterday! It was supposed to be completely sold out but yesterday they were selling tickets to locals and one guy helped us out so we got tickets :) It's going to be a weekend of total madness I think! it's been a while since the last festival i've been to...

Ok I should get my ass back to the beach now, it's so sunny and warm outside and here I am sitting by the computer. damn technology. got my flights back to UK sorted btw, I'm gonna leave sydney on the 10th Jan, got a free stopover in Tokyo and then I'll be in London on the 11th Jan. Will prob stay there for the weekend so if anyone happens to be there or is planning to go...that's the time and place to be!

I just noticed I used way too many !!!!...heheh, guess I'm just a wee bit excited to be here :)