I wrote this last night but didn't post it until today (monday)..

There are some things that make this country such a wonderful place. I've been reading Bill Bryson's book 'Down Under' and it just won't stop amazing me. For example it's good to know that Australia has more things that can kill you than any other place in the world. You know, snakes, spiders, sharks, crocodiles, all sorts of weird things. I'm not writing this to worry mum or anyone else, but we've been talking with my flatmates about all the nasty bugs that live in our house in places we don't even know exist. So far I've just seen cockroaches and flies, but how do you know which one of them is fatal? What if you don't recognise a red-back spider from a normal one on time? There's a lot of ways to kick the bucket but I think this country definitely holds the record for the weirdest ways to die. Better be careful out there :) Edited to add: Caroline saw a spider in our room yesterday and now she's frantically trying to find out what it was, scared it may come and eat her...

I also just found out that Australia has the third highest rate in children and youth's suicides (I wonder which country has the highest...). It seems impossible though. How can a country with endless sunshine, beautiful beaches and nature, and the friendliest people ever, have such a high rate?? Every day I see these people smiling happily to strangers, talking to you on traffic lights just to wish you a good day and to ask how you're doing. We went to see the movie 'March of the penguins' at Olympic Park on Friday night and at the end of the movie they wished everyone to 'enjoy the rest of your life'. How weird is that… But to me, it seems like most Aussies actually do enjoy life. And there's no reason not to, after all this is an amazing place :) I think some people would have a lot to learn from this country and its people.


Other news…We had an exam on Friday about the local area, don't think I'll be the one winning the 100 dollar gift voucher to Myer. We'll see tomorrow. So Friday eve was spent at the Olympic park watching 'March of the penguins' for free, loved it! After that we went to the city, to an Irish Pub called Scruffy Murphy's (there must be an Irish pub in every bigger city around the world), and as I expected it was mostly full of british people and backpackers. On top of that, there was an awful Bon Jovi cover band who played too loud, so I can't say I enjoyed it too much.

Ania, Caroline, and drinks in paper bags


Was supposed to go to the beach on Saturday but Carla and Caroline wanted to go to a swimming pool instead cos it was so hot and would've taken ages to get to Bondi, so the three of us went to Charlton pool at the Royal Botanic Gardens. Finally saw the Opera House and the Harbour Bridge on the way there. Guess I've imagined myself to be there too many times already since seeing them wasn't anything too special. We spent the day at the pool and to our disappointment there were only gay couples, might've been better to go to the beach after all :P Today I went to the University pool which I liked better, but the weather is boiling hot (probably around +40) so sweat was dripping even if I was just sitting down, uh. Hope I didn't burn myself too badly.





Last night we went out to the city and I hate to say this, but once again I didn't have such a good time. The problem is not the lack of good places to go out to, but the fact that we always pick the wrong places. The bar last night was too expensive and no matter how I try to keep an open mind and talk to different people, there just wasn't anyone I felt like talking to apart from my flatmates. I want to know where the good party is next Friday, it's Australia Day and I don't want to be stuck in a place where I'm not having fun and meeting new people!

Me and Carla came home around 2, and at 5 in the morning the other's came back and probably woke the whole neighbourhood up. And this morning at 8 I heard the doorbell ringing, and there was Jeffrey's new boss from our local café, telling me that he was supposed to be at work half an hour ago. Great. I had to go and wake him up and he didn't seem to know where he was or what he was supposed to be doing (probably still drunk), but somehow he managed to go to work and his boss had been totally OK with him showing up to work hangover and 45 minutes late. Johanna, maybe you should try that at Paviljonki?! :D


Carla (Italy), Jeffrey (Canada), Caroline (Germany), DJ (France), and me

Minna, would you be so kind to send me my little black book so I can get the addresses and send postcards? Noora, you have to send me your new address. Actually, if it's not too much trouble you could all send me your addresses :)

Yipee, I'm going to visit Niina in Melbourne on 8th to 12th February, can't wait! What a great timing, Johanna I'll get to go to the St. Kilda festival!