Yes, I’ve been a bit of a slacker updating this recently, sorry for that. Maybe it’s the lack of unexciting events that I haven’t really felt like writing here. Or maybe there’s just been too much going on in my mind lately. Anyway, I’m still alive.

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I don’t know what to tell really. We had a big problem with the fleas in the house (they’re still there and my feet are full of flea bites, itchy :/ ) so we had to get rid of the dog. Now that Cholo is no longer in the house, we need to get a pest control guy to come and clean the whole house and garden. We’ll see if it’s ever gonna happen, we keep getting these endless promises everyday that everything will be fixed in the house but the next day there’s no action. And I’m getting so tired of it. Same at work. ‘We’ll do this and that tomorrow and it will all be great.’ But nothing happens and I feel like I’m just wasting my time here. It’s really frustrating, depressing, annoying and everything in between, and it also causes arguments between the people in the house. Nevertheless I’ve still had good times and luckily at times we’ve been able to laugh at this whole chaos. But…


…I’m really thinking about leaving this job now. Been applying to some other jobs (no luck so far) and would be ready to do almost anything. I think I could easily find a job at a restaurant or a café but that’s the only thing I wouldn’t want to go back to. And the problem is I still need to complete my internship for uni. In a way, I’m in no hurry since I’ll be here for 10 more months, so I could probably find another internship later and do something else for now. All my plans for the rest of the year will have to be changed which is a bit frustrating but on the other hand, I would have been surprised if I had been able to stick to all my plans for the year. Better not to plan too far ahead.


What else have I been up to than getting stressed over problems at the house and work…Nothing that special. The gay and lesbian Mardi Gras parade was last weekend but we missed most of it. On Saturday we had our first bbq in our garden, the weather was boiling hot and there was no dog drooling over your food, so it was close to perfect. All I missed was my friends and the sea. The rest of my free time I’ve been trying to fill with shopping, doing some tourist stuff, going to the beach (and burning myself) and going out. I’ve been having a lot of free days cos me, Caroline and Louise are now sharing the front desk work so only one of us has to come to the office. Today it’s my turn and I made my first booking, wohoo. The guests are coming today, I look like shit and don’t even have my uniform, hmmm..I’m sure they’ll like it here.


A funny thing happened about a week ago. On Friday night we went out to this club where Martin, a guy we know from <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />London, was supposed to be dj’ing. I didn’t have his phone number but knew he’ll be playing there, so the whole night I tried to find him, from two different clubs. Eventually I found out he had already gone home and gave up. And then on Sunday I’m walking in Newtown and suddenly see him on the street with his friends and we’re both all confused and wondering if it’s really the same person we think we know :) So now I’ve been to another one of the clubs he’s dj’ing at, and he said he can put us on the guest list whenever we want. Good to have some contacts, hey?


That’s about it for today. Another frustrating day behind, and more proof of how unprofessional and unorganized this place is. I must do something. Tomorrow I’ll have a day off so maybe I’ll go job hunting then. Wish me luck. Hope you’re all well and happy!